

发布时间:2013-06-26 点击数:72

第一步 打开 “theme”目录 ,将“default”目录复制一份,更名为您打算制作的模板名称(可包含英文或数字),然后打开您的模板,了解下模板目录结构

第二步 登陆后台,在 “系统设置” -> “站点模板” 选择您刚才添加的模板

 Customer service center oddress A, No. 61, New Rood,Mocou, the 14th floor of Yongguang Plazo A
 21st Floor, Block A, Manulife Financal Centre, 223-231 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong Kowloon, Hong Kong
 Customer service center oddress A, No. 61, New Rood,Mocou, the 14th floor of Yongguang Plazo A
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